Monday, December 1, 2008

first love: chapter 1

this a story of my very first love...

and like most first love, this is also a story of one great unrequited love.
so let me start telling youpeople the journey that started out in the middle of the summer with the sun shining from east going down at the west and time was ticking each passing second.

when i first arrived at Cebu just three days before, i though it was most likely one of the most uneventful days of my life, and that is where i was wrong...

the day started out as quite the breezy summer air with the sun shining over my face telling me what a fine day was ahead of me. my mother was already out and about at the fields going to the ceremony dedicated for the people in my fathers company. before she went she already told me that we were expected to attend given, that we as the children of the stock holder of the company was honor bound to attend. she had been insisting that I make my presence known since the day before, she knows how i hate parties. and I have been making up excuses to get out from the function for quite a while. other than the company ceremony the days was one that i have been looking forward with tiny beat jolly feeling running through my veins since the time my father promised shoppping spree for a day, that day.
and so i got out of bed, went over the terrace to look over the nice view from the hotel window & started my day with a little of this and that ritual. after an hour or so of prepping & mostly lazying it out in front of the TV, my mother called saying that i need to move my ass of the room & go to the venue hall. and reluctantly i moved my ass out of the TV and went to the ceremony hall fearing that my mother would tell on me to my father and my day of glorious shopping would all go down the drains.
and so i went to make thing, just took the shirt and pants that first touched my hands put it on & went toward the hall for the ceremony. when i arriced there, the place was almost packed with people talking, laughing and playing. i scanned the place and saw my mother sitting beside her recent best friend. i say recent because they have just known each other for about 6 to 12 months but as i hear from my mother she already considered Tita Wendy as her bestfriend. I waved at my mother and went over to them.
they were talking quite animatedly, and i say animated because i never saw my mother be so enthusiastic as i was seeing her at that time. then my mother introduced me to Tita Wendy. she was nice & kind just like how i imagine her to be. then my Mother went ahead and introduced me to her sons. from my position I saw that both her sons were quite young but nevertheless quite happy people. i endured about 1 hour of pure hell talking to them and answering about the 1000nth question thrown my way. then someone came to our table & Tita was introducing me to a guy that was blocked from my view due to the two brothers that were talking to me.
and when i finally saw a glimpse of him, well you can just say, i knew he was my first love.

okey you may be asking about details why i can say that he was my first love, well i tell you...

you know the stories/tales/plays/movies about time standing still, well i am sure that it happened to me.
for all the noise everywhere
all the chaos in the hall
and all the people nearly swarming all over the place, i seem to have lost every single sight of them.
time stood still, with the hands of the watch stopping in midair then the ticking of the clock sounding like long blank tone. that is what happened.
all i saw at that moement was the moevemnt ofhis hand as it goes to wave at me at slow motion & for about an entire lifetime of my life i was just looking/gawking/staring at him where everthing ceased to exist, a lifetime where i lived just for him, where air is non essential and my heart was beating out of my chest and going a million beat per second.
then after that eternity, time caught up with me and i wasnt even able to say anything & the next thing i knew he was alraedy gone, and that is where time caught up with my eternity in my world of me and him....